Welcome to Goal Getters!
Goal Getters is an accountabilty group that provides a space for creatives to share progress, accountability, and support for reaching their desired creative project goals.

Who is Goal Getters For?
Goal Getters is helpful for anyone who wants to achieve a specific goal related to any personal or professional creative project.

Why Join Goal Getters?
By joining Goal Getters, individual members can benefit from the support and motivation of the other group members. The group provides a sense of community and a safe space to discuss progress, setbacks, and challenges.

Goal Getters can be especially beneficial for people pursuing creative goals who work from home, are self-employed, or simply need to be active in a community of like-minded creatives.

How do I Join Goal Getters?
Currently Goal Getters is an invitation-only group. To gain access to the group members and meetups you must recieve an invitation or request one here.

Need help?
My name is Leon Harrell, the principal consultant at Foundry League, and I am the main point of contact for the Goal Getters group.

Shoot me an email, I would love to hear from you and learn more about your current creative project goal.
Getting Started

Welcome to Goal Getters


Goal Getters Project Planner


Tools for Goal Getters